The grand theater complex “Only the Red Mansion: Drama Fantasy City” in Langfang City, Hebei Province, spans 228 acres and features multiple theaters and scenic spaces, blending Eastern aesthetics with advanced immersive stage technologies. Managing such a vast and intricate venue requires a highly efficient and reliable central command system.
To meet the operational demands of the Dispatch Center, Chonghan Technology delivered its “Yue Xiang Series” Intelligent Console, custom-designed with a sleek, curved technological aesthetic. Chonghan collaborated closely with the project owner, refining the console design to ensure optimal performance and seamless integration with the venue’s requirements.
Focusing on ergonomics and safety, the console provides superior support for internal staff, incorporating carefully designed chairs, armrests, and internal structures to enhance comfort while minimizing operational risks. This ensures smooth, uninterrupted operation, helping the Dispatch Center effectively manage the theater’s complex logistics and activities.